Please scroll down for the online veterinary referral form, or click here to download a Word version.
I am a Full Member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (horses and dogs), a Certificated Member of the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (horses), an ASAB Accreditation Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB - horses) and an Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist. I deliver a professional canine behaviour and equine behaviour referral service to vets in South, West and Mid Wales, providing your clients with behavioural advice and support.
It is important to the care and welfare of both the animal patient and the human client that there is a strong link between the referring veterinary surgeon and the clinical animal behaviourist, so we can work as a team to optimise the treatment outcome for both animal and owner. As such I follow the codes of conduct required for CCABs, and as membership requirements of the APBC and FABC.
Should you wish to refer a behavioural case to me, then please make contact using the online referral form below, or by phone or email to introduce the case. In order to provide the other person's personal data to us, we require you to have gained consent for this from the person in question and for you to have referred them to our Privacy Policy. If they have not provided consent for you to provide this data, please do not provide it; instead, please pass on my details to them for them to make first contact. Once the referral is in place I will visit the client, conduct the behaviour consultation and supply you with a summary of the behavioural report and modification program. The client will also receive at least one follow-up session and I will give you further feedback as they progress.
If I have any concerns about the animal's welfare then I will make further contact with you to discuss how we can further help the client and their animal by working as a team.