Vet Ready Horse
Worried about your horse's vet related anxiety? Sick of being dragged and barged by your horse during your vet's visits? Scared your horse will hurt you or your vet?
You're not alone. Being a horse vet carries more personal risk than any other civilian occupation! Chances are you aren't the only owner facing this challenge.
Let's work together and get your horse 'Vet Ready'.
With 14 video lessons to stream, averaging 13 minutes in length, you'll be able to get to the bottom of your horse's issues with the vet as well as learn new ways to break the problem down and teach your horse new ways to cooperate calmly when the vet arrives.
Get a quick flavour of what's involved with my free download.
Specifically, the lessons cover:
Fear development
Escape and avoidance learning
The effects of stress on learning
Horse personality
How horses learn and how to motivate them
Lots of applied examples and "how to" videos.
What's included:
14 video lessons with 6 months unlimited streaming.
Extra resources in the exclusive vet ready blog.
Access to the private Facebook group, Jenni Nellist's Vet Ready Horse where you can share your experiences.
Current Price: £50.00
To gain access to the videos, please follow these steps:
1. Login/ sign up as a member of the website (see the link in blue at the top of this page!)
2. Once logged in, return to this page and click subscribe on the videos below.
3. Click "select" on the plan.
4. Return to this page to watch - you can return as may times as you like for 6 months after purchase.
Click here for the exclusive blog post:
Extra resources for course subscribers
Additional one-to-one support at discounted prices exclusive to course subscribers:
One to one support options to help you apply your new learning: £55.00 ad hoc one to one Zoom sessions or £135.00 for a bundle of 3 session. In person one to one sessions will also be available £60.00 per hour plus mileage* from SA3 1AY, or as a bundle of 3: £165.00 plus mileage* per trip. *Must be within 100 miles of SA3 1AY. Contact Jenni to discuss other options for distance travel
Vet Ready Horse: Online Course
Vet Ready Horse: Online Course


Lesson 1: Defence Behaviour

Lesson 2: Fear Learning